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Shortly after 7:00PM on Sun. 04/28 a resident reported hearing two gunshots in the area of Cinco Milagros and Price Lane. Please remember that it is illegal to discharge a weapon within the Village limits and don’t take a chance on incurring the criminal and civil liability which could result from striking a person, animal, or someone’s property with a stray projectile:

On 04/29/24, A resident on Applewood Rd reported that sometime between 04/27-04/28 his vehicle 2001 Chevy 1500 Pickup NM Lic#BMTH60 was taken from his resident that was secured.

On 05/04/24, at approximately 12:06 An ACO (Corrales Animal Control Officer) was at siphon beach. Conducting leash patrol. While Corrales Fire Swiftwater crews were conducting a rescue of an older gentleman who had flipped his vessel. ACO heard a woman screaming where is my child on a raft in the river. ACO 31 scanned the river and saw an adult and child river holding onto a bush. She grabbed a rescue throw bag and took off running on the river right bank after the child, she dialed 911 to activate a code raft. The child's mother was running with ACO 31 at this time. The person in the water, who was wearing a life vest, grabbed the child but lost her vest and grabbed onto a bush on river with the child. The child’s mother and ACO 31 entered the river, ACO 31 took the child and handed him to Corrales Fire Dept who was on the bank. She then assisted both adults out of the river and back to the rescue team staging area. Currently there are no reported injuries among Village staff. Both ACO units are trained to the awareness and operation level of Swiftwater rescue. 

Certainly! Safety is crucial when enjoying recreational activities near the Rio Grande River. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

1.         Wear a Life Jacket: If you plan to go in the river, always wear a certified life jacket. Avoid using pool-type flotation devices. Life jackets are essential for your safety, especially during water activities.

2.         Avoid Alcohol: Refrain from drinking alcohol while on the river. Alcohol impairs judgment and coordination, increasing the risk of accidents.

3.         Secure Your Belongings: Put your phone in a waterproof case to protect it from water damage. Additionally, avoid tying flotation devices together, as this can be hazardous.

4.         Learn Proper Kayaking Techniques: High-flow River days are not ideal for learning how to kayak. It’s best to practice kayaking in calmer conditions before tackling faster-moving water.

Remember that the Rio Grande poses risks due to its varying water levels and currents. Always prioritize safety and follow local guidelines and regulations. Enjoy your time on the river but do so responsibly! 😊🌊