Corrales Interior Drain Commission

Interior Drain

The Corrales Interior Drain Commission was created in August of 2020 order to look at the potential uses of the MRGCD property residents refer to as the Corrales Interior Drain.

Committee Mission Statement: "Identify ways in which the Corrales Interior Drain and its right-of-way may be improved for safe, enjoyable, and essential public use while maintaining tranquility for adjacent residents and addressing educational aspects while implementing, and preserving, environmental stewardship of the Drain."

For questions or comments related to the Corrales Interior Drain, please email  Corralesinteriordraincommittee [at] The questionnaire below may also be returned to this email.

Current Members:

Douglas Findley - Chair (term expires May, 2024)

Lou Murphy (term expires May, 2024)

Elena Kayak (term expires May, 2024)

Jeff Radford (term expires May, 2024)


Interior Drain at Growers' Market
Interior Drain at Growers' Market
Interior Drain at Growers' Market