Court Zoom Information

Corrales Municipal Court will hold court by ZOOM conference. You can call in by telephone or use your computer or other electronic device with audio/video.

  • You MUST be signed into the conference 5 minutes before your hearing time and remain in the waiting room until the judge speaks to you.
  • If you have proof of driver's license, insurance, registration or car repair, please call the court before your hearing at 505-897-0503 and talk with a clerk about submitting paperwork in advance.

There are TWO options for joining the conference:

  1.  FOR COMPUTERS/OTHER ELECTRONIC DEVICES with video ability use this URL address OR upload the Zoom application into your electronic device…

ONCE YOU HAVE OPENED ZOOM Enter the Meeting ID: 891-1271-3313


     2.  Telephone - Dial one of these numbers to join the conference: 





When the conference requests a Meeting ID, dial: 891-1271-3313

Be patient, we will sign in people in a few at a time. Please be prepared to turn on your video and audio when directed by the Court.

Recording or live-streaming of hearings is prohibited. Violations may constitute contempt of court and result in a jail term of up to 90 days. (Municipal Court Rule 8-110, NMRA)


The judge will sign people in 5 at a time, but this process can take up to 30 minutes to complete. DO NOT leave the conference!

If you lose the link or the phone call drops, please sign back in immediately, the judge will re-admit you. If you are having difficulty, please call 505-897-0503